How Organizations Attempted to Influence Legislation

Ron Book

July 17, 2022




Lobby groups focus their efforts in influence legislation. Sometimes, however, they use the judicial branch to further their causes. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, for example, filed suits in federal and state courts challenging segregation laws and won. Ultimately, the Supreme Court declared the laws unconstitutional. This kind of lobbying is not new. While it may seem like a new strategy, lobbying groups have been active in American politics for decades.


Interest groups influence policy decisions


Many studies of how interest groups influence policy decisions have reached similar conclusions. While interest groups are not always directly responsible for a policy change, they can influence the outcome of a debate. Moreover, some groups have a much greater influence on policy changes than others. Some examples of organizations that influence policy are business interests, academics, and labor unions. In contrast, less prominent organizations such as think tanks and unions tend to have a less significant impact on policy changes.


Although interest groups may have several functions in their non-political roles, they all have one main objective: to influence public policy decisions in a way that is most favorable to their members. The groups may represent a group better than individuals do and are therefore an important source of information. In addition to providing information on particular issues, interest groups also contribute valuable political experience. In fact, interest groups can influence governmental policy decisions because they represent a particular group better than individual members.


Media-oriented tactics


In the process of making legislation, interest groups often use a variety of media-oriented tactics. Lobbying efforts for or against a nominee may involve feeding negative information to reporters, testifying at Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, sponsoring radio advertisements, and organizing grassroots campaigns. Other interest groups pursue their goals in court, challenging policies or adverse decisions of other branches of government. If those efforts fail to yield desired results, they may file lawsuits against public officials or file a federal lawsuit to compel action.


However, these tactics are not always easy to detect or counter. Many of these tactics work in a world of complicated rules and policies. Moreover, they rarely break existing laws and policies. Although their actions may not be directly illegal, they may raise questions about what behaviors are acceptable. Some examples of distasteful behavior involve the sharing of highly politicized online content. In other cases, actors may be financially benefited.


Credible information


In order to influence legislation, organizations often use credible information. This can range from policy information to technical data necessary to implement the policy. In the oil industry, for example, credible information can include information held by oil companies that was needed to develop new pipeline technologies. Credible information is also used to influence political decisions by identifying powerful people and organizations in the media. While the information used to influence legislation varies greatly from case to case, it is essential to have a solid foundation in research to ensure the success of a campaign.


Threats to dissolve the Union


The NBPA’s lawsuit against the NBA, which voted in favor of a new collective bargaining agreement, prompted the NBA to file a similar complaint with the NLRB. While the NFL also filed a complaint, it did so after the NBPA’s lawsuit was withdrawn. Regardless of which lawsuit is settled, the NBA and NFL owners’ stances are likely to influence how both courts rule.


Targeting members of relevant committees


Identifying members of relevant committees is an excellent way to influence legislation. Legislators often defer to their colleagues when they are unsure of how to approach an issue. Lobbyists can contact these members and make them aware of your position on a particular issue. By doing so, you can indirectly inform other lawmakers about the issue. However, you must remember that lobbyists cannot target all 535 members of Congress.